The changes I have experienced did not sneak up, tap me the shoulder and whisper in my ear words describing first class travel, island cruises or sundowners on the beach, no-no-no-no no!… This reminded me of an episode of Naked and afraid (except not afraid and only wish I could be naked)…. dropped in a tropical jungle to be ravaged by heat and creepy crawlies (as I would imagine it😉) Creepy crawlies I could not do – brings shivers to my spine but hey, Itchy skin is yet another symptom of menopause!
As I write this I am reminded that so many symptoms are associated with the journey through the phases of our transition to our most mature self (nope, I’m not saying it!) and it does no harm to keep reminding ourselves that it is a NATURAL process and so I share with you the following guide to surviving menopause… And don’t forget to add YOUFEMISM as part of your complementary treatment😊 Ask me, IT HELPS!
Wishing you happiness and health everyone…
Tracy x